Elisita Punto

Elisita Balbontín a.k.a Futuro Fosil (living in Valdivia, Chile, born 1981) is a producer, composer, artist and naturalist. Her work addresses a post futuristic version of life that intertwines with both urban and wild nature experiences. For the past 4 years, Elisita has been working on Futuro Fósil, an electrónic music proposal that flirts around the idea of sound fossilization. Which are the sounds that are fossilizing? What is find when digging into fossilized sounds and melodies?
Elisita Punto was part of the band MKRNI from Santiago, Chile. They made ”psyche-elec-tropical” sounds before disbanding. As Futuro Fosil her music has been described as “unpredictable, reverb-drenched, beat-heavy, delicate, ambient sounds”.
As an artist in the visual arts, she paints large-scale murals, bringing rhythm and music into compositions of shapes and colors, creating visual effects, and promoting vibrating spaces.
Also and together with Fundación Estudio de Campo, Elisita is working on preserving a forest in the south of Chile. It is a 50-hectare park of native rainforest and coast. This is a place for letting nature be nature and the studing ethnobotanical matters.
She is a collaborator for Museo del Hongo, Estudio de Campo, Galería Metro 21, Cinders Gallery, artist Patricia Domínguez, Camila Marambio among others.
Latest appearances:
– “Un Encuentro Vegetal” by Patricia Dominguez – curated by Barbara Muñoz & Wellcome Collection- sound installation for the exhibition at Casa Escendida – Madrid Spain 2021
– Remix for “Mono o Stereo” – Clicses under label Pueblo Nuevo 2021
– “A Fungus Garden” -a collaboration with Museo del Hongo @ ARS Electronica 2020
– “La Balada de las Sirenas Secas” (The Ballad of the Dry Mermaids), music for video installation curated by Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21) for “How to Tread Lightly”
– “Music Life” – BBCsounds -Interwiew with Ami Dang, Tuna Pase and Nazar. 2020
– “Hydrofeminist METitations” – Listening Serie # 3 -collaborating with “Ensayos: Passages” at New Museum, NY 2020
– “Reset ” – last live show at Estudio de Campo before pandemic status, Santiago Chile 2020